Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Blog #3 Valerie

With one of my insights from summer bridge, I got to know the CSUSM campus very well. Also, with my second insight, I gained more knowledge from math15. We had a great proffesor. I actually learned. :) I arrived at these insights from paying attention in class, asking questions, volunteering and going to math lab. Also, I got to know the campus more from workshops, getting lost, switching classrooms and being crippled.

The two biggest obstacles to staying in college, doing well and graduating would have to be getting all my work done and being "dedicated" to staying in school. With getting my work done, I have to manage my time wisely and set specific times to do so. Basically make a calendar or use my student planner. With being dedicated to staying in school, I have to push myself and probably get involved all ways possible. If I don't than things won't work out for me. But i have faith in myself so im sure it wont be a problem.
I can overcome these obstacles by using resources such as the math lab, writing center and gettin involved with clubs such as volleyball:) or dance.

Thursday, July 9, 2009


Hello, My name is Valerie Zambrano. I consider my home in the city of Fontana. I currently moved to the UVA at Cal Sate San Marcos. It is only about a hour and fifteen minutes away. The thing I miss most from home is being able to live my life for free without financial worries. I usually have my mom who financially supports me and im use to it. It's very different now and kind of sucks. The thing I miss least is being around the drama. The High School I attended is Henry J. Kaiser. As much as I use to say "I can not wait to leave this school" I did indeed like it. I met a lot of amazing teachers and coaches, and I have a lot of memories there. My biggest influence in my life can not only be cut down to one, it just has to be two. My first influence is my older sister Vanessa. With everything sthe has been through and with a baby, she has managed to life her life correctly. She goes to CSU San Marcos and is going on to her junior year. She works with EOP. She is always there for Evangeline; her beautiful daughter. She showed me that nothing is impossible. All you have to do is strive and work hard. My second influence is my good friend Hano. He is probably one of the strongest persons I know. He amputated his leg with a bike accident. Yet, he never gives up. He would still try to ride a street bike after the accident and do extreme stuff. Losing a leg does not stop him from living his life. It's harder, but that inspires me to never give up. No matter what situation I'm in, I think of Hano and my sister my two GREAT influences. The things I enjoy doing is hanging out with my good friends, working out and going on adventures. My free time I like to run and get my mind off of stuff. With my major i am currently undecided. I don't know what i want to do for the rest of my life and I believe I still have time to think about what I want to do. I choose to attend college because I knew college was the first thing that would spark up my life. I need school in order for me to be successful. I do not want to be a loser, I want to be a somebody! CSUSM attracted me because of the area, the far enough distance from home and all the stuff my sister would say about it. My dreams and aspirations are pretty blunt. I want to be a successful individual who goes far in whatever career i decide to pursue. I do not want to struggle, I just want to have everything set. I want to live a happy life and be carefree.